The dataset contains a series of SXCMT images of a sandy quartz media column during silver nanoparticle injection and elution from this media. The column was imaged 8 times during the silver nanoparticle transport experiment, and 4 images were captured at each time-step (at 4 different energies). Each set of 4 images were compiled to create 1 dataset of pore-scale silver nanoparticle concentration distribution for each time-step. This dataset contains the following images: Pre injection (0 PV) dataset - 4 Gray scale images (25.414, 25.614, 25.714, 25.814 keV) and 1 nanoparticle concentration dataset 0.25 PV dataset - 4 Gray scale images (25.414, 25.614, 25.714, 25.814 keV) and 1 nanoparticle concentration dataset 0.5 dataset - 4 Gray scale images (25.414, 25.614, 25.714, 25.814 keV) and 1 nanoparticle concentration dataset 0.75 PV dataset - 4 Gray scale images (25.414, 25.614, 25.714, 25.814 keV) and 1 nanoparticle concentration dataset 1 PV dataset - 4 Gray scale images (25.414, 25.614, 25.714, 25.814 keV) and 1 nanoparticle concentration dataset 2 PV dataset - 4 Gray scale images (25.414, 25.614, 25.714, 25.814 keV) and 1 nanoparticle concentration dataset 4 PV dataset - 4 Gray scale images (25.414, 25.614, 25.714, 25.814 keV) and 1 nanoparticle concentration dataset 5 PV dataset - 4 Gray scale images (25.414, 25.614, 25.714, 25.814 keV) and 1 nanoparticle concentration dataset This dataset has been used in the following studies: - Molnar, I.L.; Gerhard, J.I.; Willson, C.S. and O’Carroll, D.M., (2015), The impact of immobile zones on the transport and retention of nanoparticles in porous media. Water Resources Research. 51, (11), 8973–8994 - Molnar, I. L.; Sanematsu, P; Gerhard, J.I.; Willson, C.S. and O'Carroll D.M., Quantified pore-scale nanoparticle transport in porous media and the implications for colloid filtration theory, (Submitted) The analysis datasets were calculated and calibrated using the method described in the following paper: - Molnar, I.L.; Willson, C.S.; O’Carroll, D.M.; Rivers, M.L. and Gerhard, J.I., (2014), Method for Obtaining Silver Nanoparticle Concentrations within a Porous Medium via Synchrotron X-ray Computed Microtomography. Environmental Science and Technology, 48, (2), 1114-1122.
Ian Molnar (Western University)
April 8, 2016
ODC-BY 1.0
The downloadable archive contains all project data; the size of the archive file for this project is 8.95 GB.