Stress Sensitivity of Fractured and Vuggy Carbonate

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This is the raw image data for the paper 'Stress Sensitivity of Fractured and Vuggy Carbonate' in volumetric tif format. All of the images are from micro CT scanning and the resolution of the images is about 4.3 microns. The samples are typical carbonate samples taken from the right bank field of Amu Darya, Turkmenistan, which is a high-pressure marine carbonate gas reservoir and rich in fractures and vugs. We carried out a series of experiments to learn about stress sensitivity of fractured and vuggy carbonates. We load and unload the stress on each sample to study the structure change of fractured and vuggy carbonate. In these datasets, "up" in the image title up means load the stress, and "down" means unload the stress.


Usage Information



  • Stefan Iglauer (Edith Cowan University)


Sept. 25, 2019


ODC-BY 1.0

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The downloadable archive contains all project data; the size of the archive file for this project is 34.67 GB.
