These are the publications related to the projects on Digital Rocks Portal, as of Dec 21, 2021.

[1]      A.M. Alhammadi, A. AlRatrout, K. Singh, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, In situ characterization of mixed-wettability in a reservoir rock at subsurface conditions, Sci Rep. 7 (2017) 1–9.

[2]      F.O. Alpak, S. Berg, I. Zacharoudiou, Prediction of fluid topology and relative permeability in imbibition in sandstone rock by direct numerical simulation, Advances in Water Resources. 122 (2018) 49–59.

[3]      M. Andrew, Comparing organic-hosted and intergranular pore networks: topography and topology in grains, gaps and bubbles, Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 484 (2018) SP484.4.

[4]      M. Andrew, A quantified study of segmentation techniques on synthetic geological XRM and FIB-SEM images, Comput Geosci. 22 (2018) 1503–1512.

[5]      M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, Pore-scale imaging of geological carbon dioxide storage under in situ conditions, Geophysical Research Letters. 40 (2013) 3915–3918.

[6]      M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, Pore-scale imaging of trapped supercritical carbon dioxide in sandstones and carbonates, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 22 (2014) 1–14.

[7]      I.S. Anjikar, S. Wales, L.E. Beckingham, Fused Filament Fabrication 3‐D Printing of Reactive Porous Media, Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 (2020).

[8]      R.T. Armstrong, J.E. McClure, M.A. Berrill, M. Rücker, S. Schlüter, S. Berg, Beyond Darcy’s law: The role of phase topology and ganglion dynamics for two-fluid flow, Phys. Rev. E. 94 (2016) 043113.

[9]      W. Bartels, Pore scale processes in mixed-wet systems with application to low salinity waterflooding, UU Dept. of Earth Sciences, 2018.

[10]    W.-B. Bartels, M. Rücker, S. Berg, H. Mahani, A. Georgiadis, A. Fadili, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, C. Hinz, A. Jacob, C. Wagner, S. Henkel, F. Enzmann, A. Bonnin, M. Stampanoni, H. Ott, M. Blunt, S.M. Hassanizadeh, Fast X-Ray Micro-CT Study of the Impact of Brine Salinity on the Pore-Scale Fluid Distribution During Waterflooding, Petrophysics. 58 (2017) 36–47.

[11]    W. ‐B. Bartels, M. Rücker, M. Boone, T. Bultreys, H. Mahani, S. Berg, S.M. Hassanizadeh, V. Cnudde, Imaging Spontaneous Imbibition in Full Darcy‐Scale Samples at Pore‐Scale Resolution by Fast X‐ray Tomography, Water Resour. Res. 55 (2019) 7072–7085.

[12]    J. Bensinger, L.E. Beckingham, CO2 storage in the Paluxy formation at the Kemper County CO2 storage complex: Pore network properties and simulated reactive permeability evolution, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 93 (2020) 102887.

[13]    C.F. Berg, Permeability Description by Characteristic Length, Tortuosity, Constriction and Porosity, Transp Porous Med. 103 (2014) 381–400.

[14]    C.F. Berg, R. Held, Fundamental Transport Property Relations in Porous Media Incorporating Detailed Pore Structure Description, Transp Porous Med. 112 (2016) 467–487.

[15]    S. Berg, M. Rücker, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, H. van der Linde, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten, R.T. Armstrong, S. de With, J. Becker, A. Wiegmann, Connected pathway relative permeability from pore-scale imaging of imbibition, Advances in Water Resources. 90 (2016) 24–35.

[16]    A. Bihani, H. Daigle, On the role of spatially correlated heterogeneity in determining mudrock sealing capacity for CO2 sequestration, Marine and Petroleum Geology. 106 (2019) 116–127.

[17]    B. Bijeljic, A. Raeini, P. Mostaghimi, M.J. Blunt, Predictions of non-Fickian solute transport in different classes of porous media using direct simulation on pore-scale images, Phys. Rev. E. 87 (2013) 013011.

[18]    M.A. Boone, T. De Kock, T. Bultreys, G. De Schutter, P. Vontobel, L. Van Hoorebeke, V. Cnudde, 3D mapping of water in oolithic limestone at atmospheric and vacuum saturation using X-ray micro-CT differential imaging, Materials Characterization. 97 (2014) 150–160.

[19]    A.H. Bouma, Methods for the study of sedimentary structures, 19690000. (accessed September 13, 2019).

[20]    K. Brown, Pore-scale observations of three-fluid-phase transport in porous media, MSc, Oregon State University, 2012. Pore-scale observations of three-fluid-phase transport in porous media.

[21]    T. Bultreys, M.A. Boone, M.N. Boone, T. De Schryver, B. Masschaele, L. Van Hoorebeke, V. Cnudde, Fast laboratory-based micro-computed tomography for pore-scale research: Illustrative experiments and perspectives on the future, Advances in Water Resources. 95 (2016) 341–351.

[22]    T. Bultreys, W. De Boever, L. Van Hoorebeke, V. Cnudde, A multi-scale, image-based pore network modeling approach to simulate two-phase flow in heterogeneous rocks, in: SCA 2015 Technical Papers, Society of Core Analysts (SCA), 2015. (accessed September 13, 2019).

[23]    T. Bultreys, L.V. Hoorebeke, V. Cnudde, Simulating secondary waterflooding in heterogeneous rocks with variable wettability using an image-based, multiscale pore network model, Water Resources Research. 52 (2016) 6833–6850.

[24]    T. Bultreys, J.V. Stappen, T.D. Kock, W.D. Boever, M.A. Boone, L.V. Hoorebeke, V. Cnudde, Investigating the relative permeability behavior of microporosity-rich carbonates and tight sandstones with multiscale pore network models, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 121 (2016) 7929–7945.

[25]    T. Bultreys, L. Van Hoorebeke, V. Cnudde, Multi-scale, micro-computed tomography-based pore network models to simulate drainage in heterogeneous rocks, Advances in Water Resources. 78 (2015) 36–49.

[26]    M.B. Cardenas, D.T. Slottke, R.A. Ketcham, J.M. Sharp, Navier-Stokes flow and transport simulations using real fractures shows heavy tailing due to eddies, Geophysical Research Letters. 34 (2007).

[27]    M.B. Cardenas, D.T. Slottke, R.A. Ketcham, J.M. Sharp, Effects of inertia and directionality on flow and transport in a rough asymmetric fracture, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 114 (2009).

[28]    M. Carrel, M.A. Beltran, V.L. Morales, N. Derlon, E. Morgenroth, R. Kaufmann, M. Holzner, Biofilm imaging in porous media by laboratory X-Ray tomography: Combining a non-destructive contrast agent with propagation-based phase-contrast imaging tools, PLOS ONE. 12 (2017) e0180374.

[29]    B. Chen, J. Xiang, J.-P. Latham, R.R. Bakker, Grain-scale failure mechanism of porous sandstone: An experimental and numerical FDEM study of the Brazilian Tensile Strength test using CT-Scan microstructure, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 132 (2020) 104348.

[30]    X. Chen, Experimental studies on CO2-brine-decane relative permeabilities in Berea sandstone with new steady-state and unsteady-state methods, Thesis, 2016.

[31]    X. Chen, D.N. Espinoza, Ostwald ripening changes the pore habit and spatial variability of clathrate hydrate, Fuel. 214 (2018) 614–622.

[32]    X. Chen, D.N. Espinoza, J.S. Luo, N. Tisato, P.B. Flemings, Pore-scale evidence of ion exclusion during methane hydrate growth and evolution of hydrate pore-habit in sandy sediments, Marine and Petroleum Geology. 117 (2020) 104340.

[33]    X. Chen, S. Gao, A. Kianinejad, D.A. DiCarlo, Steady-state supercritical CO2 and brine relative permeability in Berea sandstone at different temperature and pressure conditions, Water Resources Research. 53 (2017) 6312–6321.

[34]    X. Chen, A. Kianinejad, D.A. DiCarlo, Measurements of CO2-brine relative permeability in Berea sandstone using pressure taps and a long core, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology. 7 (2017) 370–382.

[35]    X. Chen, R. Verma, D.N. Espinoza, M. Prodanović, Pore-Scale Determination of Gas Relative Permeability in Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Using X-Ray Computed Micro-Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Method, Water Resources Research. 54 (2018) 600–608.

[36]    Y. Chen, A.J. Valocchi, Q. Kang, H.S. Viswanathan, Inertial Effects During the Process of Supercritical CO 2 Displacing Brine in a Sandstone: Lattice Boltzmann Simulations Based on the Continuum‐Surface‐Force and Geometrical Wetting Models, Water Resour. Res. 55 (2019) 11144–11165.

[37]    L. Chi, Z. Heidari, Directional-Permeability Assessment in Formations With Complex Pore Geometry With a New Nuclear-Magnetic- Resonance-Based Permeability Model, SPE Journal. 21 (2016) 1,436-1,449.

[38]    A.E. Cook, D. Goldberg, R.L. Kleinberg, Fracture-controlled gas hydrate systems in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Marine and Petroleum Geology. 25 (2008) 932–941.

[39]    E.H.G. Cooperdock, R.A. Ketcham, D.F. Stockli, Resolving the effects of 2-D versus 3-D grain measurements on apatite (U–Th) ∕ He age data and reproducibility, Geochronology. 1 (2019) 17–41.

[40]    D. Crandall, G. Bromhal, Z.T. Karpyn, Numerical simulations examining the relationship between wall-roughness and fluid flow in rock fractures, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 47 (2010) 784–796.

[41]    D. Crandall, M. Gill, J. Moore, B. Kutchko, Foamed Cement Analysis With Computed Tomography, in: American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection, 2014.

[42]    Y. Da Wang, R. Armstrong, P. Mostaghimi, Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Network Models for Enhancing Resolution of Rock Micro-CT Images, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 182 (2019) 106261.

[43]    L.E. Dalton, D. Crandall, A. Goodman, Characterizing the Evolution of Trapped scCO 2 Curvature in Bentheimer and Nugget Sandstone Pore Geometry, Geofluids. 2020 (2020) 1–11.

[44]    L.E. Dalton, K.A. Klise, S. Fuchs, D. Crandall, A. Goodman, Methods to measure contact angles in scCO2-brine-sandstone systems, Advances in Water Resources. 122 (2018) 278–290.

[45]    L.E. Dalton, D. Tapriyal, D. Crandall, A. Goodman, F. Shi, F. Haeri, Contact Angle Measurements Using Sessile Drop and Micro-CT Data from Six Sandstones, Transp Porous Med. 133 (2020) 71–83.

[46]    W. De Boever, T. Bultreys, H. Derluyn, L. Van Hoorebeke, V. Cnudde, Comparison between traditional laboratory tests, permeability measurements and CT-based fluid flow modelling for cultural heritage applications, Science of The Total Environment. 554–555 (2016) 102–112.

[47]    P.R. Di Palma, N. Guyennon, F. Heße, E. Romano, Porous media flux sensitivity to pore-scale geostatistics: A bottom-up approach, Advances in Water Resources. 102 (2017) 99–110.

[48]    T. Drombosky, S. Hier‐Majumder, Development of anisotropic contiguity in deforming partially molten aggregates: 1. Theory and fast multipole boundary elements method, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 120 (2015) 744–763.

[49]    A.L. Dye, J.E. McClure, C.T. Miller, W.G. Gray, Description of non-Darcy flows in porous medium systems, Phys. Rev. E. 87 (2013) 033012.

[50]    S.A. Eckley, R.A. Ketcham, 4D Imaging of Mineral Dissolution in Porous Carbonado Diamond: Implications for Acid Digestion and XCT Measurement of Porosity and Material Properties, Front. Earth Sci. 7 (2019) 288.

[51]    D.N. Espinoza, J.-M. Pereira, M. Vandamme, P. Dangla, S. Vidal-Gilbert, Desorption-induced shear failure of coal bed seams during gas depletion, International Journal of Coal Geology. 137 (2015) 142–151.

[52]    D.N. Espinoza, J.-M. Pereira, M. Vandamme, P. Dangla, S. Vidal-Gilbert, Stress Path of Coal Seams During Depletion: The Effect of Desorption on Coal Failure, in: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2015. (accessed September 13, 2019).

[53]    D.N. Espinoza, M. Vandamme, J.-M. Pereira, P. Dangla, S. Vidal-Gilbert, Measurement and modeling of adsorptive–poromechanical properties of bituminous coal cores exposed to CO2: Adsorption, swelling strains, swelling stresses and impact on fracture permeability, International Journal of Coal Geology. 134–135 (2014) 80–95.

[54]    D.N. Espinoza, I. Shovkun, O. Makni, N. Lenoir, Natural and induced fractures in coal cores imaged through X-ray computed microtomography — Impact on desorption time, International Journal of Coal Geology. 154–155 (2016) 165–175.

[55]    M. Fan, J.E. McClure, R.T. Armstrong, M. Shabaninejad, L.E. Dalton, D. Crandall, C. Chen, Influence of Clay Wettability Alteration on Relative Permeability, Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 (2020).

[56]    J.L. Finney, J.D. Bernal, Random packings and the structure of simple liquids. I. The geometry of random close packing, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 319 (1970) 479–493.

[57]    N. Francois, M. Saadatfar, R. Cruikshank, A. Sheppard, Geometrical Frustration in Amorphous and Partially Crystallized Packings of Spheres, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 148001.

[58]    L.P. Frash, J.W. Carey, T. Ickes, Fracturing, Fluid Flowing, and X-Ray Imaging Through Anhydrite at Stressed Conditions, in: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2018. (accessed September 13, 2019).

[59]    L.P. Frash, J.W. Carey, T. Ickes, H.S. Viswanathan, Caprock integrity susceptibility to permeable fracture creation, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 64 (2017) 60–72.

[60]    L.P. Frash, J.W. Carey, Z. Lei, E. Rougier, T. Ickes, H.S. Viswanathan, High-stress triaxial direct-shear fracturing of Utica shale and in situ X-ray microtomography with permeability measurement, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 121 (2016) 5493–5508.

[61]    L.P. Frash, J.W. Carey, N.J. Welch, Scalable En Echelon Shear-Fracture Aperture-Roughness Mechanism: Theory, Validation, and Implications, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 124 (2019) 957–977.

[62]    G. Garfi, Q. Lin, S. Berg, C.M. John, S. Krevor, Fluid surface coverage showing the controls of rock mineralogy on the wetting state, EarthArXiv, 2019.

[63]    C. Garing, J.A. de Chalendar, M. Voltolini, J.B. Ajo-Franklin, S.M. Benson, Pore-scale capillary pressure analysis using multi-scale X-ray micromotography, Advances in Water Resources. 104 (2017) 223–241.

[64]    S. Ghanbarzadeh, M.A. Hesse, M. Prodanović, A level set method for materials with texturally equilibrated pores, Journal of Computational Physics. 297 (2015) 480–494.

[65]    S. Ghanbarzadeh, M.A. Hesse, M. Prodanović, J.E. Gardner, Deformation-assisted fluid percolation in rock salt, Science. 350 (2015) 1069–1072.

[66]    S. Ghanbarzadeh, M. Prodanović, M.A. Hesse, Percolation and Grain Boundary Wetting in Anisotropic Texturally Equilibrated Pore Networks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 048001.

[67]    E.J. Goldfarb, K. Ikeda, R.A. Ketcham, M. Prodanović, N. Tisato, Predictive digital rock physics without segmentation, Computers & Geosciences. 159 (2022) 105008.

[68]    E.J. Guiltinan, J.E. Santos, M.B. Cardenas, D.N. Espinoza, Q. Kang, Two‐Phase Fluid Flow Properties of Rough Fractures With Heterogeneous Wettability: Analysis With Lattice Boltzmann Simulations, Water Res. 57 (2021).

[69]    E. Guiltinan, J.E. Santos, Q. Kang, Residual Saturation During Multiphase Displacement in Heterogeneous Fractures with Novel Deep Learning Prediction, in: Proceedings of the 8th Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Online, 2020.

[70]    G. Han, T.-H. Kwon, J.Y. Lee, T.J. Kneafsey, Depressurization-Induced Fines Migration in Sediments Containing Methane Hydrate: X-Ray Computed Tomography Imaging Experiments, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. (2018) 2539–2558.

[71]    M. Hanifpour, N. Francois, S.M. Vaez Allaei, T. Senden, M. Saadatfar, Mechanical Characterization of Partially Crystallized Sphere Packings, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 148001.

[72]    A.L. Herring, V. Robins, A.P. Sheppard, Topological Persistence for Relating Microstructure and Capillary Fluid Trapping in Sandstones, Water Resources Research. 55 (2019) 555–573.

[73]    S. Hier‐Majumder, T. Drombosky, Development of anisotropic contiguity in deforming partially molten aggregates: 2. Implications for the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 120 (2015) 764–777.

[74]    F. Hofmann, E.H.G. Cooperdock, A.J. West, D. Hildebrandt, K. Strößner, K.A. Farley, Exposure dating of detrital magnetite using 3He enabled by microCT and calibration of the cosmogenic 3He production rate in magnetite, Cosmogenic nuclide dating, 2021.

[75]    R. Huang, A.L. Herring, A. Sheppard, Effect of Saturation and Image Resolution on Representative Elementary Volume and Topological Quantification: An Experimental Study on Bentheimer Sandstone Using Micro-CT, Transp Porous Med. 137 (2021) 489–518.

[76]    S. Iglauer, A. Paluszny, T. Rahman, Y. Zhang, W. Wülling, M. Lebdev, Residual trapping of CO2 in an oil-filled, oil-wet sandstone core: results of three-phase pore scale imaging, Geophysical Research Letters. 0 (2019).

[77]    D. Ivonin, T. Kalnin, E. Grachev, E. Shein, Quantitative Analysis of Pore Space Structure in Dry and Wet Soil by Integral Geometry Methods, Geosciences. 10 (2020) 365.

[78]    S.J. Jackson, Q. Lin, S. Krevor, Representative elementary volumes, hysteresis and heterogeneity in multiphase flow from the pore to continuum scale, Water Resour. Res. (2020).

[79]    D.H. Kang, E. Yang, T.S. Yun, Stokes-Brinkman Flow Simulation Based on 3-D μ-CT Images of Porous Rock Using Grayscale Pore Voxel Permeability, Water Resources Research. 55 (2019) 4448–4464.

[80]    Z.T. Karpyn, A.S. Grader, P.M. Halleck, Visualization of fluid occupancy in a rough fracture using micro-tomography, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 307 (2007) 181–187.

[81]    Z.T. Karpyn, M. Piri, Prediction of fluid occupancy in fractures using network modeling and x-ray microtomography. I: Data conditioning and model description, Phys. Rev. E. 76 (2007) 016315.

[82]    Z.T. Karpyn, M. Piri, G. Singh, Experimental investigation of trapped oil clusters in a water-wet bead pack using X-ray microtomography, Water Resources Research. 46 (2010).

[83]    A. Kazak, S. Chugunov, V. Nachev, M. Spasennykh, A. Chashkov, E. Pichkur, M. Presniakov, A. Vasiliev, Integration of Large-Area SEM Imaging and Automated Mineralogy-Petrography Data for Justified Decision on Nano-Scale Pore-Space Characterization Sites, as a Part of Multiscale Digital Rock Modeling Workflow, (2017). (accessed September 13, 2019).

[84]    R.A. Ketcham, A.S. Mote, Accurate Measurement of Small Features in X-Ray CT Data Volumes, Demonstrated Using Gold Grains, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 124 (2019) 3508–3529.

[85]    R.A. Ketcham, D.T. Slottke, J.M. Sharp, Three-dimensional measurement of fractures in heterogeneous materials using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography, Geosphere. 6 (2010) 499–514.

[86]    H.J. Khan, D. DiCarlo, M. Prodanović, Replicating carbonaceous vug in synthetic porous media, MethodsX. 5 (2018) 808–811.

[87]    H.J. Khan, A. Mehmani, M. Prodanović, D. DiCarlo, D.J. Khan, Capillary rise in vuggy media, Advances in Water Resources. 143 (2020) 103671.

[88]    H.J. Khan, M. Prodanovic, D.A. DiCarlo, The Effect of Vuggy Porosity on Straining in Porous Media, SPE Journal. 24 (2019) 1,164-1,178.

[89]    H.J. Khan, Improved permeability estimation of formation damage through imaged core flooding experiments, Thesis, 2016.

[90]    H. Khan, M. Mirabolghasemi, H. Yang, M. Prodanovic, D. DiCarlo, M. Balhoff, K. Gray, Comparative Study of Formation Damage due to Straining and Surface Deposition in Porous Media, in: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2016.

[91]    K.A. Klise, D. Moriarty, H. Yoon, Z. Karpyn, Automated contact angle estimation for three-dimensional X-ray microtomography data, Advances in Water Resources. 95 (2016) 152–160.

[92]    S.V. Korneev, X. Yang, J.M. Zachara, T.D. Scheibe, I. Battiato, Downscaling-Based Segmentation for Unresolved Images of Highly Heterogeneous Granular Porous Samples, Water Resources Research. 54 (2018) 2871–2890.

[93]    B. Kutchko, D. Crandall, M. Gill, D. McIntyre, R. Spaulding, B. Strazisar, E. Rosenbaum, I. Haljasmaa, G. Benge, E. Cunningham, others, Computed Tomography and Statistical Analysis of Bubble Size Distributions in Atmospheric-Generated Foamed Cement, Pittsburgh: DOE-NETL Internal Publication. (2013).

[94]    B. Kutchko, D. Crandall, J. Moore, M. Gill, I. Haljasmaa, R. Spaulding, W. Harbert, G. Benge, G. DeBruijn, J.M. Shine, Assessment of Foamed Cement Used in Deep Offshore Wells, in: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2014.

[95]    C.J. Landry, Z.T. Karpyn, M. Piri, Pore-scale analysis of trapped immiscible fluid structures and fluid interfacial areas in oil-wet and water-wet bead packs, Geofluids. 11 (2011) 209–227.

[96]    C.J. Landry, B.S. Hart, M. Prodanović, Comparison of Wireline Log and SEM Image-Based Measurements of Porosity in Overburden Shales, in: Proceedings of the 8th Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Online, 2020.

[97]    Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, S. Berg, R. Pini, M.J. Blunt, S. Krevor, Minimal surfaces in porous media: Pore-scale imaging of multiphase flow in an altered-wettability Bentheimer sandstone, Phys. Rev. E. 99 (2019) 063105.

[98]    Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, S. Foroughi, S. Berg, M.J. Blunt, Pore-scale imaging of displacement patterns in an altered-wettability carbonate, Chemical Engineering Science. 235 (2021) 116464.

[99]    Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, R. Pini, M.J. Blunt, S. Krevor, Imaging and Measurement of Pore-Scale Interfacial Curvature to Determine Capillary Pressure Simultaneously With Relative Permeability, Water Resources Research. 54 (2018) 7046–7060.

[100]  Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, R. Pini, M.J. Blunt, S. Krevor, Imaging and Measurement of Pore‐Scale Interfacial Curvature to Determine Capillary Pressure Simultaneously With Relative Permeability, Water Resour. Res. 54 (2018) 7046–7060.

[101]  Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, A.Q. Raeini, H. Rieke, M.J. Blunt, Drainage capillary pressure distribution and fluid displacement in a heterogeneous laminated sandstone, Geophys Res Lett. (2021).

[102]  E. Lucas-Oliveira, A.G. Araujo-Ferreira, W.A. Trevizan, B.C.C. dos Santos, T.J. Bonagamba, Sandstone surface relaxivity determined by NMR T2 distribution and digital rock simulation for permeability evaluation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 193 (2020) 107400.

[103]  A. Mascini, M. Boone, S. Van Offenwert, S. Wang, V. Cnudde, T. Bultreys, Fluid Invasion Dynamics in Porous Media With Complex Wettability and Connectivity, Geophys Res Lett. 48 (2021).

[104]  E.F. McBride, L.S. Land, T.N. Diggs, L.E. Mack, Petrography, Stable Isotope Geochemistry and Diagenesis of Miocene Sandstones, Vermilion Block 31, Offshore Louisiana, 38 (1988). (accessed March 12, 2020).

[105]  J.E. McClure, M.A. Berrill, W.G. Gray, C.T. Miller, Influence of phase connectivity on the relationship among capillary pressure, fluid saturation, and interfacial area in two-fluid-phase porous medium systems, Phys. Rev. E. 94 (2016) 033102.

[106]  J.E. McClure, A.L. Dye, C.T. Miller, W.G. Gray, On the consistency of scale among experiments, theory, and simulation, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 21 (2017) 1063–1076.

[107]  J.E. McClure, Z. Li, M. Berrill, T. Ramstad, The LBPM software package for simulating multiphase flow on digital images of porous rocks, Comput Geosci. 25 (2021) 871–895.

[108]  T.A. Meckel, Digital Rendering of Sedimentary-Relief Peels: Implications for Clastic Facies Characterization and Fluid FlowDigital Rendering of Sedimentary Relief Peels, Journal of Sedimentary Research. 83 (2013) 495–501.

[109]  A. Mehmani, Investigation of the petrophysical properties of unconventional rocks using multiscale network modeling, Thesis, 2015.

[110]  Y. Mehmani, H.A. Tchelepi, Minimum requirements for predictive pore-network modeling of solute transport in micromodels, Advances in Water Resources. 108 (2017) 83–98.

[111]  A. Mehmani*, M. Prodanovi?, K. Milliken, A Quantitative Pore-Scale Investigation on the Paragenesis of Wilcox Tight Gas Sandstone, in: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 20-22 July 2015, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2015: pp. 2511–2517.

[112]  D.E. Meisenheimer, D. Wildenschild, Predicting the Effect of Relaxation on Interfacial Area Development in Multiphase Flow, Water Res. 57 (2021).

[113]  A.H. Menefee, N.J. Welch, L.P. Frash, W. Hicks, J.W. Carey, B.R. Ellis, Rapid Mineral Precipitation During Shear Fracturing of Carbonate‐Rich Shales, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth. 125 (2020).

[114]  D.W. Meyer, P.B. Flemings, D. DiCarlo, K. You, S.C. Phillips, T.J. Kneafsey, Experimental Investigation of Gas Flow and Hydrate Formation Within the Hydrate Stability Zone, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. (2018) 5350–5371.

[115]  K.L. Milliken, R.M. Reed, Multiple causes of diagenetic fabric anisotropy in weakly consolidated mud, Nankai accretionary prism, IODP Expedition 316, Journal of Structural Geology. 32 (2010) 1887–1898.

[116]  P. Mohammadmoradi, A. Kantzas, Petrophysical characterization of porous media starting from micro-tomographic images, Advances in Water Resources. 94 (2016) 200–216.

[117]  P. Mohammadmoradi, A. Kantzas, Pore Scale Investigation of Wettability Effect on Waterflood Performance, in: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2016.

[118]  P. Mohammadmoradi, A. Kantzas, Pore-scale permeability calculation using CFD and DSMC techniques, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 146 (2016) 515–525.

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