Scans of grains (BS95-A, apatite) for Emily Goldstein, Danny Stockli and Richard Ketcham of UT DOGS. Specimens scanned by Jessie Maisano 15 November 2013. Pin oriented with hatch mark at 12:00.
scan parameters: Xradia. 4X objective, 150kV, 10W, 1.5s acquisition time, detector 17.8 mm, source -37.7 mm, XYZ [-312, 9897, 158], camera bin 2, angles ±95, 571 views, 1.6 mm CaF2 filter, dithering. End reference (45 frames, each for 1.5s). Reconstructed with center shift 0, beam hardening 0, theta 0, byte scaling [-50, 350], binning 1, recon filter smooth (kernel size = 0.5). Total slices = 54. Voxels are 4.58 microns.